CDI Education Tips: HIV Helpful Hints
This webinar focuses on CDI education providing helpful hints for reviewing HIV cases.
(3) 5.0 average rating -
CDI Query Template Standardization Education
Preparing for Ensemble CDI Query Template Standardization
(4) 5.0 average rating -
CDI Education Q 3 2024 Trends and Opportunities
(26) 5.0 average rating -
CDI Education MDC 6: Diseases and Disorders of the Digestive System
This CDI webinar covers coding, clinical, and query opportunity information in MDC 6 including gastroenteritis and colitis, GI hemorrhage, esophagitis, obstruction. Intended audience is new CDI specialists and seasoned for a review
(5) 5.0 average rating -
CDI Education MDC 23 Factors influencing health status and other contacts with health services
CDI education MDC 23 factors influencing health status and other contacts with health services. This course covers coding, clinical, and query opportunity education. Intended audience is new CDI specialists as well as seasoned CDS for review.
(2) 5.0 average rating -
MDC 20 Alcohol/drug use and induced organic mental disorders
CDI education MDC 20 Alcohol and drug use and induced organic mental disorders. This course covers coding, clinical, and query opportunity education for MDC 20. Intended audience is new CDI specialists as well as seasoned CDS for review.
(3) 5.0 average rating